Brower Youth Awards

Ariana Katovich

Berkeley, CA

Ariana created an innovative fund on her campus to protect and restore shorelines.

Ariana founded the Coastal Fund at the University of California, Santa Barbara. ( Celebrating it’s 15th year in 2014, the Coastal Fund has spent almost $4,000,000 on coastal research, restoration, access and education of the shoreline associated with UCSB. The Coastal Fund is funded entirely by the students of UCSB, and a board of graduate and undergraduate students manage the grant selection process.
Ariana helped write the ballot initiative, worked to get the campaign passed in its inaugural year, wrote the by-laws and helped structure the program within UCSB. The Coastal Fund was the first “green fee” program in the UC system and the by-laws of the Coastal Fund were leveraged to structure new green fee programs across the country on college campuses.

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