Kari Fulton
Washington, DC
Kari worked on two different environmental justice projects that connect and inspire people on both the local and national levels. On the local level, she co-founded the Loving Our City, Loving Ourselves (LOCLOS) campus and community initiative. LOCLOS works to build stronger campus and community solidarity on issues of concern in the Washington, DC area. Kari and LOCLOS coordinated two major neighborhood clean-ups in DC involving local non-profits and artists. On a national level, Kari worked as the Energy Action Coalition Campus Climate Challenge Coordinator for the Environmental Justice and Climate Change Initiative. She supported and trained hundreds of young people at more than 50 universities and has become a pioneer organizer working to build up the youth climate movement amongst young people of color, in particular, students at historically black colleges and universities. My hope,” she said, “was for people of color and low-income individuals to get information that will help them take advantage of the growing green movement so that they are not left behind economically or environmentally.” Through her work students have created their own organizations and have become climate champions on their campuses and in their communities.