Stevie O’Hanlon
Downingtown, PA
Communicating the need for political action
Stevie is a 22 year old from Pennsylvania who is co-founder and National Field Director of Sunrise Movement; an organization that is mobilizing a grassroots army of young people across the country to combat the corrupting influence of fossil fuel executives and lobbyists.
Stevie is one of the organizers of the ‘Sunrise Semester’ a full-time fellowship program with 70 young people ready to go all-in to make climate change matter in the 2018 elections in five key states. The program combines campaigning for progressive champions with direct action in order to expose the influence of fossil fuel money. Her work with Sunrise Movement is focused on encouraging youth to elect real leaders who can stop climate change and create millions of good jobs in the process. Stevie began organizing at Swarthmore College where she led a fossil fuel divestment campaign that received widespread media attention.